YOU-Niquely Social

At Buddies Not Bullies, we help elementary school students understand that it’s okay to be different & have different ideas, while still getting along. We promote a positive and inclusive environment where everyone feels valued & respected. One thing that sets this program apart is that we involve teenagers who may be at risk as mentors in our program. These Teen Mentors are an important part of our final event, a fun 2-day camp. At camp, kids play games & do activities that help them develop important skills like leadership, making friends, including others, understanding differences, taking turns, respecting personal space, cooperating, & using good social strategies. By participating in these activities, kids learn how to interact with others & develop skills that will help them for life.

In this supportive place, every child has the chance to show who they are & feel proud of themselves. Our program teaches the importance of accepting others & breaking down barriers that can get in the way of making friends. By celebrating everyone’s uniqueness, we show kids how to be themselves & respect how others are different.

At Buddies Not Bullies, we believe that teaching kids a sense of belonging & empathy when they’re young will help create a society where everyone gets along. We’re committed to giving future generations the tools they need to navigate through social situations. So join us in our mission to make sure every child feels seen, heard, & appreciated for who they are.